Partner With Us

Alpha Acquisitions was created with the idea of building a network of driven and ambitious partners with the potential to build their own empire given the right knowledge and guidance. Our goal is to build a constant flow of deals with partners, such as yourself, that we trust to buy businesses with.
We do most of the work for you on the first few deals while we teach you everything you need to know about buying businesses. investing in you & supporting you throughout your business career. We want to build a lifelong, mutually beneficial relationship as a minority partner in your new business. helping you buy and grow 5, 10, 15+ companies and then sell for a life changing exit or retire with substantial cash flow for you and your family.
We will teach you every step of the acquisition process, utilizing our existing infrastructure of Big 10 Law/Accounting firms and investors. All you need to do is pick an industry you can develop a passion for that fits our model and work with us as you learn the process.

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